Trigger pre-commit through wsl for Windows
authorKrzGalcz <>
Wed, 13 Nov 2024 15:13:43 +0100
changeset 25712 990d3ed1b36b
parent 25711 2bb339143f01
child 25713 bf90446a27cb
Trigger pre-commit through wsl for Windows
--- a/pre-commit-src/pre-commit
+++ b/pre-commit-src/pre-commit
@@ -1,617 +1,9 @@
-# Improve error handling, option e is not picked because it's expected for functions
-# to return non-0 statuses.
 set -Eeuo pipefail
-# Allow user input during commit
 exec < /dev/tty
-# Allow modifying aliases
-shopt -s expand_aliases
-# When using Windows there is a problem with return character, therefore there is a need for extra --binary option. Look
-# In general running this script directly within windows is very slow, so use of WSL2 is recommended but in case of some tests performed in windows, those lines are still needed.
 if [ $OSTYPE = 'msys' ] || [ $OSTYPE = 'cygwin' ]; then
-    alias jq='jq -b'
-    alias jq='command jq'
-# Mac grep doesn't have Perl regex, therefor it needs to be checked with another method
-if [ $OSTYPE = 'darwin'* ]; then
-    alias grep='ggrep'
+  wsl bash ./pre-commit-src/
-    alias grep='command grep'
-# In case on WSL (Windows) it's faster to invoke git.exe directly from Windows (since the files are in the windows FS).
-if [ -n $(echo $WSL_DISTRO_NAME || echo '') ]; then
-    alias git='git.exe'
-    alias git='command git'
+  bash ./pre-commit-src/
-error_handler() {
-    local exit_code=$?
-    local line_number=$1
-    echo "Error: Script failed with exit code $exit_code at line $line_number"
-    if [ "${BASH_COMMAND:-}" = "return 1" ]; then
-        echo -e "Last error message:\n$last_error"
-    else
-        echo -e "\n\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"
-        echo -e "\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n\n"
-        echo "Last executed command: ${BASH_COMMAND:-}"
-    fi
-    if [ "$testing" = true ] && [ "${BASH_COMMAND:-}" = "return 1" ]; then
-        exit 0
-    else
-        exit $exit_code
-    fi
-# Set up trap to catch errors and invoke the error handler
-trap 'error_handler $LINENO' ERR
-get_unstaged_files() {
-    unstaged_files=$(git ls-files . --exclude-standard --others -m)
-    local git_exit_code=$?
-    if [ $git_exit_code -ne 0 ]; then
-        last_error="Wrong setting of git, be sure that you run git as the same user as you cloned repo"
-        return 1
-    fi
-    if [ -n "$unstaged_files" ]; then
-        read -p "There are changes not staged for commit. The script will check only the staged version. Do you want to continue? (y/n): " choice
-        case "$choice" in 
-            y|Y ) echo "";;
-            n|N ) echo "Aborting."; exit 1;;
-            * ) echo "Invalid choice. Aborting."; exit 1;;
-        esac
-    fi
-get_staged_files() {
-  local -n staged_files_nameref=$1
-  staged_files_nameref=$(git diff --name-only --cached)
-check_if_jq_is_installed() {
-    if ! command -v jq &>/dev/null; then
-        last_error="ERROR: jq is not installed. Please install jq to continue."
-        return 1
-    fi
-check_if_file_exists() {
-    local file_path="$1"
-    if ! [ -f "$file_path" ]; then
-        last_error="ERROR: File $file_path does not exist"
-        return 1
-    fi
-check_if_unstaged_changes() {
-    local file_path=$1
-    local -n answer_nameref=$2
-    check_if_file_exists "$file_path"
-    local git_status=$(git status $file_path)
-    local lines_indicating_changes=$(grep -s "Changes not staged for commit" <<< $git_status || grep -s "Untracked files:" <<< $git_status || echo '')
-    if [ -n "$lines_indicating_changes" ]; then
-        answer_nameref=true
-    else
-        answer_nameref=false
-    fi
-get_staged_version_of_a_file() {
-    local file_name="$1"
-    # Using name reference in order to not create subshells for each assignment and allow to use global variables
-    # and global error handling
-    local -n staged_file_content_nameref=$2
-    check_if_file_exists "$file_name"
-    local matched_unstaged_file=$(grep -x "$file_name" <<< "$unstaged_files" || echo '')
-    if [ -n "$matched_unstaged_file" ]; then
-        staged_file_content_nameref=$(git show ":$file_name" || echo '')
-    else
-        staged_file_content_nameref=$(cat "$file_name")
-    fi
-    if [ -z "$staged_file_content_nameref" ]; then
-        last_error="ERROR: File $file_name was requested by a template but it's not tracked neither staged."
-        return 1
-    fi
-parse_template_data() {
-    local template="$1"
-    local -n file_data_nameref=$2
-    local staged_template
-    get_staged_version_of_a_file "$template" staged_template
-    # Extract lines starting with %domainsVariables exceptionrules: and process them with jq
-    local json_files_in_template=$(grep "^%domainsVariables exceptionrules:" <<< $staged_template | sed 's/^%domainsVariables exceptionrules://; s/%$//' | jq -Rs 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0))' || echo '[]')
-    # Extract lines starting with %include exceptionrules: and process them with jq
-    local included_filterlists_files_in_template=$(grep "^%include exceptionrules:" <<< $staged_template | sed 's/^%include exceptionrules://; s/%$//' | jq -Rs 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0))' || echo '[]')
-    if [ "$included_filterlists_files_in_template" = "[]" ]; then
-        last_error="ERROR: There is no list included in template $template_name"
-        return 1
-    fi
-    # Create a JSON object with the template name as the key and the extracted domainsVariables and include data as values
-    file_data_nameref=$(jq -n --arg template "$template" --argjson json_files_in_template "$json_files_in_template" --argjson included_filterlists_files_in_template "$included_filterlists_files_in_template" '
-        {
-            $template: {
-                "domainsVariables": $json_files_in_template,
-                "include": $included_filterlists_files_in_template
-            }
-        }')
-update_templates_content() {
-    local file_template="$1"
-    # Merge the new template data into the existing templates_content JSON
-    templates_content=$(jq -n --argjson templates_content "$templates_content" --argjson file_template "$file_template" '$templates_content + $file_template')
-update_unique_json_files() {
-    local template_name="$1"
-    local file_data="$2"
-    # Extract the list of domainsVariables files from the template data
-    local json_files_list=$(jq -r --arg template_name "$template_name" '.[$template_name].domainsVariables[]' <<< $file_data)
-    for json_file in $json_files_list; do
-        local matches_in_unique_json_files=$(grep -swF "$json_file" <<< ${unique_json_files[@]} || echo '')
-        if [ -z "$matches_in_unique_json_files" ]; then
-            unique_json_files+=("$json_file")
-        fi
-    done
-update_unique_includes() {
-    local template_name="$1"
-    local file_data="$2"
-    # Extract the list of included files from the template data
-    local included_files_list=$(jq -r --arg file "$template_name" '.[$file].include[]' <<< $file_data)
-    for included_filterlist in $included_files_list; do
-        local matches_in_unique_filterlists=$(grep -swF "$included_filterlist" <<< ${unique_filterlists_to_include[@]} || echo '')
-        if [ -z "$matches_in_unique_filterlists" ]; then
-            unique_filterlists_to_include+=("$included_filterlist")
-        fi
-    done
-check_if_valid_json() {
-    local json_file_path="$1"
-    if ! jq -e . >/dev/null 2>&1 <<< $(cat "$json_file_path"); then
-        last_error="ERROR: Invalid JSON content in $json_file_path"
-        return 1
-    fi
-get_domains_variables_names_incl_duplicates() {
-    local json_file_content="$1"
-    local -n domains_variables_names_incl_duplicated_nameref=$2
-    # If jq would be used the duplicates would be automatically removed, therefore I used perl
-    domains_variables_names_incl_duplicated_nameref=$(perl -0777 -ne 'print "$1\n" while /"([^"]+?)"(?=[\s\r\n]*:)/g' <<< $json_file_content)
-check_if_correct_domains_variables_json_structure() {
-    local json_file_content="$1"
-    local json_file_path="$2"
-    # Check if the JSON structure is valid and matches the expected format:
-    # { "variable1": ["domain1", "domain2" (...)], "variable2": ["domain1", "domain3" (...)], (...)}
-    if ! echo $json_file_content | jq -e '
-        type == "object" and
-        ([keys[] as $k | .[$k] | type == "array" and all(.[]; type == "string")] | all)
-        '   >/dev/null 2>&1;
-    then
-        last_error="ERROR: JSON structure is invalid in $json_file_path"
-        return 1
-    fi
-check_if_duplicated_domains_variable_name_in_single_file() {
-    local json_file_path="$1"
-    local domains_variables_names="$2"
-    if [ "$(echo "$domains_variables_names" | sort | uniq -d)" ]; then
-        last_error="ERROR: Duplicate domains_variables_names found in $json_file_path"
-        return 1
-    fi
-check_if_valid_domains_variable_name() {
-    local domains_variable_name="$1"
-    if ! [[ "$domains_variable_name" =~ ^[[:alnum:]_]+$ ]]; then
-        last_error="ERROR: Invalid domains variable name: $domains_variable_name, only alphanumeric characters and underscores are allowed"
-        return 1
-    fi
-check_if_duplicated_domains() {
-    local json_file_path="$1"
-    local key="$2"
-    local value="$3"
-    # Value of domainsVariable is an array of strings representing domains,
-    # therefore the error message mentions domains.
-    if [ -n "$(echo "$value" | sort | uniq -di)" ]; then
-        last_error="ERROR: There are duplicated domains in $key in file $json_file_path:\n"
-        last_error+="$(echo "$value" | sort | uniq -di)"
-        return 1
-    fi
-check_if_correct_domain() {
-    local json_file_path="$1"
-    local domains_variable_name="$2"
-    local domains="$3"
-    # Preselect candidates for invalid domains, then check them 
-    local candidates=$(grep -vP "^(([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]{0,61})?[A-Za-z0-9]\.)+([A-Za-z]{2,63}|\*|xn--[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,59})$" <<< $domains || echo '')
-    if [ -n "$candidates" ]; then
-      last_error="ERROR: Invalid domain in $domains_variable_name: $candidates in file $json_file_path"
-      return 1
-    fi
-check_if_correct_domains_variables() {
-    local json_file_path="$1"
-    local domains_variables_names="$2"
-    local json_file_content="$3"
-    check_if_duplicated_domains_variable_name_in_single_file "$json_file_path" "$domains_variables_names"
-    for domains_variable_name in $domains_variables_names; do
-        check_if_valid_domains_variable_name "$domains_variable_name"
-        # Extract the value associated with the domains variable name from the JSON file
-        local domains=$(jq -r --arg key "$domains_variable_name" '.[$key][]' <<< $json_file_content)
-        check_if_duplicated_domains "$json_file_path" "$domains_variable_name" "$domains"
-        check_if_correct_domain "$json_file_path" "$domains_variable_name" "$domains"
-    done
-update_domains_variables_data() {
-    local domains_variables_names="$1"
-    local json_file_path="$2"
-    local json_file_content="$3"
-    # Merge the new domains variables into the existing all_domains_variables_in_json_files array
-    all_domains_variables_in_json_files=$(jq -n --argjson all_domains_variables_in_json_files "$all_domains_variables_in_json_files" --argjson domains_variables_names "$(echo "$domains_variables_names" | jq -Rs 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0))')" '$all_domains_variables_in_json_files + $domains_variables_names | unique')
-    # Adding all the json files content to the variable was causing "Too big variable" error
-    # Therefore, the content is saved to a temporary file and then loaded back to the variable
-    all_json_files_temp_file=$(mktemp)
-    echo "$all_json_files_contents" > "$all_json_files_temp_file"
-    json_file_content_temp=$(mktemp)
-    echo "$json_file_content" > "$json_file_content_temp"
-    all_json_files_contents=$(jq --arg json_file_path "$json_file_path" --slurpfile json_file_content "$json_file_content_temp" '.[$json_file_path] = $json_file_content[0]' "$all_json_files_temp_file")
-    rm "$json_file_content_temp"
-    rm "$all_json_files_temp_file"
-    # Update the variables_in_json_files object with the keys from the JSON file
-    variables_in_json_files=$(echo "$variables_in_json_files" | jq --arg key "$json_file_path" --argjson value "$(echo "$all_json_files_contents" | jq 'to_entries | map({key: .key, value: (.value | keys)}) | from_entries' | jq --arg key "$json_file_path" '.[$key]')" '. * {($key): $value}')
-check_if_duplicated_domains_variable_name_between_files() {
-    local json_file_path="$1"
-    local domains_variables_names="$2"
-    for domains_variable_name in $domains_variables_names; do
-        # Check if the domains variable name exists in the all_domains_variables_in_json_files array
-        if jq -e --arg name "$domains_variable_name" 'index($name) != null' <<< $all_domains_variables_in_json_files >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-            # If a duplicate is found, identify the file containing the duplicate and report an error
-            local file_with_duplicate=$(jq -r --arg name "$domains_variable_name" '
-            to_entries | map(select(.value | has($name))) | .[0].key
-            ' <<< $all_json_files_contents)
-            last_error="ERROR: Duplicate domains variable found in $json_file_path and $file_with_duplicate file: $domains_variable_name"
-            return 1
-        fi
-    done
-find_domain_variables_syntax_in_filterlist() {
-    local filterlist_content="$1"
-    local filterlist_path="$2"
-    local -n all_lines_with_domain_variables_in_filterlist_nameref=$3
-    # Find lines containing domain variables in the filterlist
-    # The regex to find them is simpler than in filterlist delivery to also catch domains variables in the wrong place
-    # without starting with a complex regex. The full regex is in one of the next steps
-    all_lines_with_domain_variables_in_filterlist_nameref=$(grep -P '%<\{.*\}>%' <<< $filterlist_content || echo '')
-check_for_similar_to_domain_variable() {
-    local filterlist_content="$1"
-    local filterlist_path="$2"
-    # Precheck to quickly gather only the potentiall candidates for the full check
-    local weak_candidates=$(grep -P "[%{}<>].\w+.[%{}<>]" <<< $filterlist_content || echo '')
-    local candidates=$(grep -P "[%{}<>].?[%{}<>].*[%{}<>].?[%{}<>]" <<< $weak_candidates || echo '')
-    local strong_candidates=$(grep -oP "([^%{}<>]|^)[%{}<>]+.?[%{}<>]+.*[%{}<>]+.?[%{}<>]+([^%{}<>]|$)" <<< $candidates || echo '')
-    if [ -n "$strong_candidates" ]; then
-        local lines_with_similar_to_domain_variable=$(grep -vP "([|,=]|^)%<\{\w+\}>%([,|#]|$)" <<< $candidates || echo '')
-        if [ -n "$lines_with_similar_to_domain_variable" ]; then
-            last_error="ERROR: Found a line in $filterlist_path that is similar to a domain variable, but it's not a domain variable:\n\n"
-            last_error+="$lines_with_similar_to_domain_variable"
-            return 1
-        fi
-    fi
-    }
-process_filters() {
-    local all_lines_with_domain_variables_in_filterlist="$1"
-    local -n domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist_nameref="$2"
-    domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist_nameref='[]'
-    for filter in $all_lines_with_domain_variables_in_filterlist; do
-        # Extract the domain variable from the filter
-        local domains_variable_match=$(grep -oP '(?<=%<\{).*?(?=\}>%)' <<< $filter)
-        if [ "$(echo "$domains_variable_match" | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]; then
-            last_error="ERROR: More than 2 domain variables found in filter: $filter"
-            return 1
-        fi
-        # Ensure the domain variable is correctly formatted in the filter
-        local true_matches
-        true_matches=$(grep -P '(%<{(\w+)}>%(?:,~?[a-zA-Z0-9*.~-]+)*#[?@$]?#)|([,$]domain=(?:[a-zA-Z0-9*.~-]+\|)*%<{(\w+)}>%)' <<< $filter)
-        if [ -z "$true_matches" ]; then
-            last_error="ERROR: Domain variable added in a wrong way in filter: $filter"
-            return 1
-        fi
-        domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist_nameref=$(jq --arg domains_variable_match "$domains_variable_match" '. + [$domains_variable_match]' <<< $domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist_nameref)
-    done
-update_matches_and_variables() {
-    local domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist="$1"
-    local file_path="$2"
-    # Update the list of all domain variable matches in filterlists
-    all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists=$(jq -n --argjson all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists "$all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists" --argjson matches "$domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist" '$all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists + $matches | unique')
-    # Update the variables_in_included_filterlists object with the matches from the current filterlist
-    variables_in_included_filterlists=$(jq --arg key "$file_path" --argjson value "$domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist" '.[$key] = $value' <<< $variables_in_included_filterlists)
-extract_domains_variables_in_included_filterlists() {
-    local template_name="$1"
-    local -n domains_variables_in_included_filterlists_nameref=$2
-    # Extract the list of included filterlists from the template
-    local included_filterlists=$(jq -r --arg template_name "$template_name" '.[$template_name].include[]' <<< "$templates_content")
-    domains_variables_in_included_filterlists_nameref=()
-    for included_filterlist in $included_filterlists; do
-        # Extract the domain variables from each included filterlist
-        local domains_variables=$(jq -r --arg included_filterlist "$included_filterlist" '.[$included_filterlist][]' <<< "$variables_in_included_filterlists")
-        for domain_variable in $domains_variables; do
-            domains_variables_in_included_filterlists_nameref+=("$domain_variable")
-        done
-    done
-extract_domains_variables_in_included_json_files() {
-    local template_name="$1"
-    local -n domains_variables_in_included_json_files_nameref=$2
-    # Extract the list of included JSON files from the template
-    local included_json_files=$(jq -r --arg template_name "$template_name" '.[$template_name].domainsVariables[]' <<< $templates_content)
-    domains_variables_in_included_json_files_nameref=()
-    for included_json_file in $included_json_files; do
-        # Extract the domain variables from each included JSON file
-        local domains_variables=$(jq -r --arg key "$included_json_file" '.[$key][]' <<< $variables_in_json_files)
-        for domain_variable in $domains_variables; do
-            domains_variables_in_included_json_files_nameref+=("$domain_variable")
-        done
-    done
-check_domain_variables_in_filterlists() {
-    local template_name="$1"
-    local domains_variables_in_included_filterlists=()
-    local domains_variables_in_included_json_files=()
-    # When for example $2 was empty, then the array had one element with empty string
-    if [ -n "$2" ]; then
-        domains_variables_in_included_filterlists=($2)
-    fi
-    if [ -n "$3" ]; then
-        domains_variables_in_included_json_files=($3)
-    fi
-    # Extract the list of included filterlists and JSON files from the template
-    local included_filterlists=$(jq -r --arg template_name "$template_name" '.[$template_name].include[]' <<< $templates_content)
-    local included_json_files=$(jq -r --arg template_name "$template_name" '.[$template_name].domainsVariables[]' <<< $templates_content)
-    for domain_variable_in_filterlist in ${domains_variables_in_included_filterlists[@]}; do
-        local found=false
-        for domain_variable_in_json_file in ${domains_variables_in_included_json_files[@]}; do
-            if [ "$domain_variable_in_filterlist" = "$domain_variable_in_json_file" ]; then
-                found=true
-                break
-            fi
-        done
-        if ! $found; then
-            last_error="Error: One of the filterlists:\n\n"
-            last_error+="$included_filterlists\n\n"
-            last_error+="included in the template $template_name contain a domain variable $domain_variable_in_filterlist "
-            last_error+="which wasn't found in any of the domains variables files included in that template:\n\n"
-            last_error+="$included_json_files"
-            return 1
-        fi
-    done
-check_if_domains_variables_are_identical_in_lists_and_jsons() {
-    if [ "$all_domains_variables_in_json_files" != "$all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists" ]; then
-        last_error="Error: the domain variables in domain-variables file and the filter list are not the same\n"
-        last_error+="Extra variables in domain-variables files:\n"
-        last_error+="$(jq -n --argjson all_domains_variables_in_json_files "$all_domains_variables_in_json_files" --argjson all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists "$all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists" '$all_domains_variables_in_json_files - $all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists')\n"
-        last_error+="Extra variables in filter lists:\n"
-        last_error+=$(jq -n --argjson all_domains_variables_in_json_files "$all_domains_variables_in_json_files" --argjson all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists "$all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists" '$all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists - $all_domains_variables_in_json_files')
-        return 1
-    fi
-main() {
-    get_unstaged_files
-    check_if_jq_is_installed
-    for template_name in *.txt; do
-        templates_names+=("$template_name")
-        # To avoid creating a subshell, the variable is passed as a reference to parse_template_data function
-        # That helps with the error handling and allows to use global variables
-        local file_data
-        # Parse data from the template
-        parse_template_data "$template_name" file_data
-        # Update the templates_content JSON with the data from the file
-        update_templates_content "$file_data"
-        update_unique_json_files "$template_name" "$file_data"
-        update_unique_includes "$template_name" "$file_data"
-    done
-    for domains_variables_path in ${unique_json_files[@]}; do
-        local staged_domains_variables_file
-        get_staged_version_of_a_file "$domains_variables_path" staged_domains_variables_file
-        check_if_correct_domains_variables_json_structure "$staged_domains_variables_file" "$domains_variables_path"
-        local domains_variables_names_incl_duplicates
-        get_domains_variables_names_incl_duplicates "$staged_domains_variables_file" domains_variables_names_incl_duplicates
-        check_if_correct_domains_variables "$domains_variables_path" "$domains_variables_names_incl_duplicates" "$staged_domains_variables_file"
-        check_if_duplicated_domains_variable_name_between_files "$domains_variables_path" "$domains_variables_names_incl_duplicates"
-        update_domains_variables_data "$domains_variables_names_incl_duplicates" "$domains_variables_path" "$staged_domains_variables_file"
-    done
-    for filterlist_path in ${unique_filterlists_to_include[@]}; do
-        local filterlist_content
-        get_staged_version_of_a_file "$filterlist_path" filterlist_content
-        check_for_similar_to_domain_variable  "$filterlist_content" "$filterlist_path"
-        local all_lines_with_domain_variables_in_filterlist
-        find_domain_variables_syntax_in_filterlist "$filterlist_content" "$filterlist_path" all_lines_with_domain_variables_in_filterlist
-        if [ -z "$all_lines_with_domain_variables_in_filterlist" ]; then
-            # In case of lack of matches, the value of all_lines_with_domain_variables_in_filterlist should have just
-            # a message to show.
-            local domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist='[]'
-        else
-            local domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist
-            process_filters "$all_lines_with_domain_variables_in_filterlist" domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist
-        fi
-        update_matches_and_variables "$domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist" "$filterlist_path"
-    done
-    local domains_variables_in_included_filterlists=()
-    for template_name in ${templates_names[@]}; do
-        extract_domains_variables_in_included_filterlists "$template_name" domains_variables_in_included_filterlists
-        local domains_variables_in_included_json_files
-        extract_domains_variables_in_included_json_files "$template_name" domains_variables_in_included_json_files
-        check_domain_variables_in_filterlists "$template_name" "$(echo ${domains_variables_in_included_filterlists[@]})" "$(echo ${domains_variables_in_included_json_files[@]})"
-    done
-    check_if_domains_variables_are_identical_in_lists_and_jsons
-check_unit_tests() {
-    local exit_status=0
-    ./pre-commit-src/tests/ '--no-verbose' || exit_status=1
-    function_exit_code=$?
-    if [ $exit_status -ne 1 ]; then
-        exit_status=$function_exit_code
-    fi
-    if [ $exit_status -ne 0 ]; then
-        last_error="Unit tests failed with exit code $exit_status"
-        last_error+="\nPlease fix the issues before continuing"
-        last_error+="To check the details run 'pre-commit-src/tests/'"
-        return $exit_status
-    else
-        last_error="Unit tests passed successfully"
-    fi
-check_pre_commit_files() {
-    local staged_files
-    get_staged_files staged_files
-    local pre_commit_path='pre-commit-src/pre-commit'
-    check_if_file_exists "$pre_commit_path"
-    local matched_pre_commit_in_unstaged=$(grep -x "$pre_commit_path" <<< "$unstaged_files" || echo '')
-    if [ -n "$matched_pre_commit_in_unstaged" ]; then
-        last_error="Unstaged changes detected in pre-commit file. Stage pre-commit changes before continuing."
-        return 1
-    fi
-    local pre_commit_script_path='pre-commit-src/'
-    check_if_file_exists "$pre_commit_script_path"
-    local matched_pre_commit_script_in_unstaged='' # This file will go with the next commit. To better show what changed since the last push I decided to first push it without name change $(grep -x "$pre_commit_script_path" <<< "$unstaged_files" || echo '')
-    if [ -n "$matched_pre_commit_script_in_unstaged" ]; then
-        last_error="Unstaged changes detected in file. Stage pre-commit-script changes before continuing."
-        return 1
-    fi
-    pre_commit_tests_path='pre-commit-src/tests/'
-    check_if_file_exists "$pre_commit_tests_path"
-    local matched_pre_commit_tests_in_unstaged=$(grep -x "$pre_commit_tests_path" <<< "$unstaged_files" || echo '')
-    if [ -n "$matched_pre_commit_tests_in_unstaged" ]; then
-        last_error="Unstaged changes detected in pre-commit-tests file. Stage pre-commit tests changes before continuing."
-        return 1
-    fi
-    # Only if something changed in pre commit or pre commit tests the unit tests should be run
-    if [ -z "$matched_pre_commit_in_unstaged" + "$matched_pre_commit_script_in_unstaged" "$matched_pre_commit_tests_in_unstaged" ]; then
-        check_unit_tests
-    fi
-# For testing purposes only if the script has no arguments or the argument is main the process should run
-# thanks to that the script can be tested without running the main function
-if [ -z "${1:-}" ]; then
-    echo 'Running pre-commit checks...'
-    main
-    check_pre_commit_files
-    echo "Pre-commit checks passed successfully. Double check if there were no error messages above this message before pushing"
-    unalias jq
-    unalias grep
-    unalias git
-    exit 0
-elif [ "$1" = "--load-only" ]; then
-    testing=true
-    echo "Script loaded successfully"
-    echo Wrong option provided "$@"
-    unalias jq
-    unalias grep
-    unalias git
-    exit 1
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pre-commit-src/
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+# Improve error handling, option e is not picked because it's expected for functions
+# to return non-0 statuses.
+set -Eeuo pipefail
+# Allow user input during commit
+exec < /dev/tty
+# Allow modifying aliases
+shopt -s expand_aliases
+# When using Windows there is a problem with return character, therefore there is a need for extra --binary option. Look
+# In general running this script directly within windows is very slow, so use of WSL2 is recommended but in case of some tests performed in windows, those lines are still needed.
+if [ $OSTYPE = 'msys' ] || [ $OSTYPE = 'cygwin' ]; then
+    alias jq='jq -b'
+    alias jq='command jq'
+# Mac grep doesn't have Perl regex, therefor it needs to be checked with another method
+if [ $OSTYPE = 'darwin'* ]; then
+    alias grep='ggrep'
+    alias grep='command grep'
+# In case on WSL (Windows) it's faster to invoke git.exe directly from Windows (since the files are in the windows FS).
+if [ -n $(echo $WSL_DISTRO_NAME || echo '') ]; then
+    alias git='git.exe'
+    alias git='command git'
+error_handler() {
+    local exit_code=$?
+    local line_number=$1
+    echo "Error: Script failed with exit code $exit_code at line $line_number"
+    if [ "${BASH_COMMAND:-}" = "return 1" ]; then
+        echo -e "Last error message:\n$last_error"
+    else
+        echo -e "\n\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"
+        echo -e "\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n\n"
+        echo "Last executed command: ${BASH_COMMAND:-}"
+    fi
+    if [ "$testing" = true ] && [ "${BASH_COMMAND:-}" = "return 1" ]; then
+        exit 0
+    else
+        exit $exit_code
+    fi
+# Set up trap to catch errors and invoke the error handler
+trap 'error_handler $LINENO' ERR
+get_unstaged_files() {
+    unstaged_files=$(git ls-files . --exclude-standard --others -m)
+    local git_exit_code=$?
+    if [ $git_exit_code -ne 0 ]; then
+        last_error="Wrong setting of git, be sure that you run git as the same user as you cloned repo"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    if [ -n "$unstaged_files" ]; then
+        read -p "There are changes not staged for commit. The script will check only the staged version. Do you want to continue? (y/n): " choice
+        case "$choice" in 
+            y|Y ) echo "";;
+            n|N ) echo "Aborting."; exit 1;;
+            * ) echo "Invalid choice. Aborting."; exit 1;;
+        esac
+    fi
+get_staged_files() {
+  local -n staged_files_nameref=$1
+  staged_files_nameref=$(git diff --name-only --cached)
+check_if_jq_is_installed() {
+    if ! command -v jq &>/dev/null; then
+        last_error="ERROR: jq is not installed. Please install jq to continue."
+        return 1
+    fi
+check_if_file_exists() {
+    local file_path="$1"
+    if ! [ -f "$file_path" ]; then
+        last_error="ERROR: File $file_path does not exist"
+        return 1
+    fi
+check_if_unstaged_changes() {
+    local file_path=$1
+    local -n answer_nameref=$2
+    check_if_file_exists "$file_path"
+    local git_status=$(git status $file_path)
+    local lines_indicating_changes=$(grep -s "Changes not staged for commit" <<< $git_status || grep -s "Untracked files:" <<< $git_status || echo '')
+    if [ -n "$lines_indicating_changes" ]; then
+        answer_nameref=true
+    else
+        answer_nameref=false
+    fi
+get_staged_version_of_a_file() {
+    local file_name="$1"
+    # Using name reference in order to not create subshells for each assignment and allow to use global variables
+    # and global error handling
+    local -n staged_file_content_nameref=$2
+    check_if_file_exists "$file_name"
+    local matched_unstaged_file=$(grep -x "$file_name" <<< "$unstaged_files" || echo '')
+    if [ -n "$matched_unstaged_file" ]; then
+        staged_file_content_nameref=$(git show ":$file_name" || echo '')
+    else
+        staged_file_content_nameref=$(cat "$file_name")
+    fi
+    if [ -z "$staged_file_content_nameref" ]; then
+        last_error="ERROR: File $file_name was requested by a template but it's not tracked neither staged."
+        return 1
+    fi
+parse_template_data() {
+    local template="$1"
+    local -n file_data_nameref=$2
+    local staged_template
+    get_staged_version_of_a_file "$template" staged_template
+    # Extract lines starting with %domainsVariables exceptionrules: and process them with jq
+    local json_files_in_template=$(grep "^%domainsVariables exceptionrules:" <<< $staged_template | sed 's/^%domainsVariables exceptionrules://; s/%$//' | jq -Rs 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0))' || echo '[]')
+    # Extract lines starting with %include exceptionrules: and process them with jq
+    local included_filterlists_files_in_template=$(grep "^%include exceptionrules:" <<< $staged_template | sed 's/^%include exceptionrules://; s/%$//' | jq -Rs 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0))' || echo '[]')
+    if [ "$included_filterlists_files_in_template" = "[]" ]; then
+        last_error="ERROR: There is no list included in template $template_name"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    # Create a JSON object with the template name as the key and the extracted domainsVariables and include data as values
+    file_data_nameref=$(jq -n --arg template "$template" --argjson json_files_in_template "$json_files_in_template" --argjson included_filterlists_files_in_template "$included_filterlists_files_in_template" '
+        {
+            $template: {
+                "domainsVariables": $json_files_in_template,
+                "include": $included_filterlists_files_in_template
+            }
+        }')
+update_templates_content() {
+    local file_template="$1"
+    # Merge the new template data into the existing templates_content JSON
+    templates_content=$(jq -n --argjson templates_content "$templates_content" --argjson file_template "$file_template" '$templates_content + $file_template')
+update_unique_json_files() {
+    local template_name="$1"
+    local file_data="$2"
+    # Extract the list of domainsVariables files from the template data
+    local json_files_list=$(jq -r --arg template_name "$template_name" '.[$template_name].domainsVariables[]' <<< $file_data)
+    for json_file in $json_files_list; do
+        local matches_in_unique_json_files=$(grep -swF "$json_file" <<< ${unique_json_files[@]} || echo '')
+        if [ -z "$matches_in_unique_json_files" ]; then
+            unique_json_files+=("$json_file")
+        fi
+    done
+update_unique_includes() {
+    local template_name="$1"
+    local file_data="$2"
+    # Extract the list of included files from the template data
+    local included_files_list=$(jq -r --arg file "$template_name" '.[$file].include[]' <<< $file_data)
+    for included_filterlist in $included_files_list; do
+        local matches_in_unique_filterlists=$(grep -swF "$included_filterlist" <<< ${unique_filterlists_to_include[@]} || echo '')
+        if [ -z "$matches_in_unique_filterlists" ]; then
+            unique_filterlists_to_include+=("$included_filterlist")
+        fi
+    done
+check_if_valid_json() {
+    local json_file_path="$1"
+    if ! jq -e . >/dev/null 2>&1 <<< $(cat "$json_file_path"); then
+        last_error="ERROR: Invalid JSON content in $json_file_path"
+        return 1
+    fi
+get_domains_variables_names_incl_duplicates() {
+    local json_file_content="$1"
+    local -n domains_variables_names_incl_duplicated_nameref=$2
+    # If jq would be used the duplicates would be automatically removed, therefore I used perl
+    domains_variables_names_incl_duplicated_nameref=$(perl -0777 -ne 'print "$1\n" while /"([^"]+?)"(?=[\s\r\n]*:)/g' <<< $json_file_content)
+check_if_correct_domains_variables_json_structure() {
+    local json_file_content="$1"
+    local json_file_path="$2"
+    # Check if the JSON structure is valid and matches the expected format:
+    # { "variable1": ["domain1", "domain2" (...)], "variable2": ["domain1", "domain3" (...)], (...)}
+    if ! echo $json_file_content | jq -e '
+        type == "object" and
+        ([keys[] as $k | .[$k] | type == "array" and all(.[]; type == "string")] | all)
+        '   >/dev/null 2>&1;
+    then
+        last_error="ERROR: JSON structure is invalid in $json_file_path"
+        return 1
+    fi
+check_if_duplicated_domains_variable_name_in_single_file() {
+    local json_file_path="$1"
+    local domains_variables_names="$2"
+    if [ "$(echo "$domains_variables_names" | sort | uniq -d)" ]; then
+        last_error="ERROR: Duplicate domains_variables_names found in $json_file_path"
+        return 1
+    fi
+check_if_valid_domains_variable_name() {
+    local domains_variable_name="$1"
+    if ! [[ "$domains_variable_name" =~ ^[[:alnum:]_]+$ ]]; then
+        last_error="ERROR: Invalid domains variable name: $domains_variable_name, only alphanumeric characters and underscores are allowed"
+        return 1
+    fi
+check_if_duplicated_domains() {
+    local json_file_path="$1"
+    local key="$2"
+    local value="$3"
+    # Value of domainsVariable is an array of strings representing domains,
+    # therefore the error message mentions domains.
+    if [ -n "$(echo "$value" | sort | uniq -di)" ]; then
+        last_error="ERROR: There are duplicated domains in $key in file $json_file_path:\n"
+        last_error+="$(echo "$value" | sort | uniq -di)"
+        return 1
+    fi
+check_if_correct_domain() {
+    local json_file_path="$1"
+    local domains_variable_name="$2"
+    local domains="$3"
+    # Preselect candidates for invalid domains, then check them 
+    local candidates=$(grep -vP "^(([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]{0,61})?[A-Za-z0-9]\.)+([A-Za-z]{2,63}|\*|xn--[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,59})$" <<< $domains || echo '')
+    if [ -n "$candidates" ]; then
+      last_error="ERROR: Invalid domain in $domains_variable_name: $candidates in file $json_file_path"
+      return 1
+    fi
+check_if_correct_domains_variables() {
+    local json_file_path="$1"
+    local domains_variables_names="$2"
+    local json_file_content="$3"
+    check_if_duplicated_domains_variable_name_in_single_file "$json_file_path" "$domains_variables_names"
+    for domains_variable_name in $domains_variables_names; do
+        check_if_valid_domains_variable_name "$domains_variable_name"
+        # Extract the value associated with the domains variable name from the JSON file
+        local domains=$(jq -r --arg key "$domains_variable_name" '.[$key][]' <<< $json_file_content)
+        check_if_duplicated_domains "$json_file_path" "$domains_variable_name" "$domains"
+        check_if_correct_domain "$json_file_path" "$domains_variable_name" "$domains"
+    done
+update_domains_variables_data() {
+    local domains_variables_names="$1"
+    local json_file_path="$2"
+    local json_file_content="$3"
+    # Merge the new domains variables into the existing all_domains_variables_in_json_files array
+    all_domains_variables_in_json_files=$(jq -n --argjson all_domains_variables_in_json_files "$all_domains_variables_in_json_files" --argjson domains_variables_names "$(echo "$domains_variables_names" | jq -Rs 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0))')" '$all_domains_variables_in_json_files + $domains_variables_names | unique')
+    # Adding all the json files content to the variable was causing "Too big variable" error
+    # Therefore, the content is saved to a temporary file and then loaded back to the variable
+    all_json_files_temp_file=$(mktemp)
+    echo "$all_json_files_contents" > "$all_json_files_temp_file"
+    json_file_content_temp=$(mktemp)
+    echo "$json_file_content" > "$json_file_content_temp"
+    all_json_files_contents=$(jq --arg json_file_path "$json_file_path" --slurpfile json_file_content "$json_file_content_temp" '.[$json_file_path] = $json_file_content[0]' "$all_json_files_temp_file")
+    rm "$json_file_content_temp"
+    rm "$all_json_files_temp_file"
+    # Update the variables_in_json_files object with the keys from the JSON file
+    variables_in_json_files=$(echo "$variables_in_json_files" | jq --arg key "$json_file_path" --argjson value "$(echo "$all_json_files_contents" | jq 'to_entries | map({key: .key, value: (.value | keys)}) | from_entries' | jq --arg key "$json_file_path" '.[$key]')" '. * {($key): $value}')
+check_if_duplicated_domains_variable_name_between_files() {
+    local json_file_path="$1"
+    local domains_variables_names="$2"
+    for domains_variable_name in $domains_variables_names; do
+        # Check if the domains variable name exists in the all_domains_variables_in_json_files array
+        if jq -e --arg name "$domains_variable_name" 'index($name) != null' <<< $all_domains_variables_in_json_files >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+            # If a duplicate is found, identify the file containing the duplicate and report an error
+            local file_with_duplicate=$(jq -r --arg name "$domains_variable_name" '
+            to_entries | map(select(.value | has($name))) | .[0].key
+            ' <<< $all_json_files_contents)
+            last_error="ERROR: Duplicate domains variable found in $json_file_path and $file_with_duplicate file: $domains_variable_name"
+            return 1
+        fi
+    done
+find_domain_variables_syntax_in_filterlist() {
+    local filterlist_content="$1"
+    local filterlist_path="$2"
+    local -n all_lines_with_domain_variables_in_filterlist_nameref=$3
+    # Find lines containing domain variables in the filterlist
+    # The regex to find them is simpler than in filterlist delivery to also catch domains variables in the wrong place
+    # without starting with a complex regex. The full regex is in one of the next steps
+    all_lines_with_domain_variables_in_filterlist_nameref=$(grep -P '%<\{.*\}>%' <<< $filterlist_content || echo '')
+check_for_similar_to_domain_variable() {
+    local filterlist_content="$1"
+    local filterlist_path="$2"
+    # Precheck to quickly gather only the potentiall candidates for the full check
+    local weak_candidates=$(grep -P "[%{}<>].\w+.[%{}<>]" <<< $filterlist_content || echo '')
+    local candidates=$(grep -P "[%{}<>].?[%{}<>].*[%{}<>].?[%{}<>]" <<< $weak_candidates || echo '')
+    local strong_candidates=$(grep -oP "([^%{}<>]|^)[%{}<>]+.?[%{}<>]+.*[%{}<>]+.?[%{}<>]+([^%{}<>]|$)" <<< $candidates || echo '')
+    if [ -n "$strong_candidates" ]; then
+        local lines_with_similar_to_domain_variable=$(grep -vP "([|,=]|^)%<\{\w+\}>%([,|#]|$)" <<< $candidates || echo '')
+        if [ -n "$lines_with_similar_to_domain_variable" ]; then
+            last_error="ERROR: Found a line in $filterlist_path that is similar to a domain variable, but it's not a domain variable:\n\n"
+            last_error+="$lines_with_similar_to_domain_variable"
+            return 1
+        fi
+    fi
+    }
+process_filters() {
+    local all_lines_with_domain_variables_in_filterlist="$1"
+    local -n domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist_nameref="$2"
+    domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist_nameref='[]'
+    for filter in $all_lines_with_domain_variables_in_filterlist; do
+        # Extract the domain variable from the filter
+        local domains_variable_match=$(grep -oP '(?<=%<\{).*?(?=\}>%)' <<< $filter)
+        if [ "$(echo "$domains_variable_match" | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]; then
+            last_error="ERROR: More than 2 domain variables found in filter: $filter"
+            return 1
+        fi
+        # Ensure the domain variable is correctly formatted in the filter
+        local true_matches
+        true_matches=$(grep -P '(%<{(\w+)}>%(?:,~?[a-zA-Z0-9*.~-]+)*#[?@$]?#)|([,$]domain=(?:[a-zA-Z0-9*.~-]+\|)*%<{(\w+)}>%)' <<< $filter)
+        if [ -z "$true_matches" ]; then
+            last_error="ERROR: Domain variable added in a wrong way in filter: $filter"
+            return 1
+        fi
+        domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist_nameref=$(jq --arg domains_variable_match "$domains_variable_match" '. + [$domains_variable_match]' <<< $domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist_nameref)
+    done
+update_matches_and_variables() {
+    local domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist="$1"
+    local file_path="$2"
+    # Update the list of all domain variable matches in filterlists
+    all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists=$(jq -n --argjson all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists "$all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists" --argjson matches "$domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist" '$all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists + $matches | unique')
+    # Update the variables_in_included_filterlists object with the matches from the current filterlist
+    variables_in_included_filterlists=$(jq --arg key "$file_path" --argjson value "$domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist" '.[$key] = $value' <<< $variables_in_included_filterlists)
+extract_domains_variables_in_included_filterlists() {
+    local template_name="$1"
+    local -n domains_variables_in_included_filterlists_nameref=$2
+    # Extract the list of included filterlists from the template
+    local included_filterlists=$(jq -r --arg template_name "$template_name" '.[$template_name].include[]' <<< "$templates_content")
+    domains_variables_in_included_filterlists_nameref=()
+    for included_filterlist in $included_filterlists; do
+        # Extract the domain variables from each included filterlist
+        local domains_variables=$(jq -r --arg included_filterlist "$included_filterlist" '.[$included_filterlist][]' <<< "$variables_in_included_filterlists")
+        for domain_variable in $domains_variables; do
+            domains_variables_in_included_filterlists_nameref+=("$domain_variable")
+        done
+    done
+extract_domains_variables_in_included_json_files() {
+    local template_name="$1"
+    local -n domains_variables_in_included_json_files_nameref=$2
+    # Extract the list of included JSON files from the template
+    local included_json_files=$(jq -r --arg template_name "$template_name" '.[$template_name].domainsVariables[]' <<< $templates_content)
+    domains_variables_in_included_json_files_nameref=()
+    for included_json_file in $included_json_files; do
+        # Extract the domain variables from each included JSON file
+        local domains_variables=$(jq -r --arg key "$included_json_file" '.[$key][]' <<< $variables_in_json_files)
+        for domain_variable in $domains_variables; do
+            domains_variables_in_included_json_files_nameref+=("$domain_variable")
+        done
+    done
+check_domain_variables_in_filterlists() {
+    local template_name="$1"
+    local domains_variables_in_included_filterlists=()
+    local domains_variables_in_included_json_files=()
+    # When for example $2 was empty, then the array had one element with empty string
+    if [ -n "$2" ]; then
+        domains_variables_in_included_filterlists=($2)
+    fi
+    if [ -n "$3" ]; then
+        domains_variables_in_included_json_files=($3)
+    fi
+    # Extract the list of included filterlists and JSON files from the template
+    local included_filterlists=$(jq -r --arg template_name "$template_name" '.[$template_name].include[]' <<< $templates_content)
+    local included_json_files=$(jq -r --arg template_name "$template_name" '.[$template_name].domainsVariables[]' <<< $templates_content)
+    for domain_variable_in_filterlist in ${domains_variables_in_included_filterlists[@]}; do
+        local found=false
+        for domain_variable_in_json_file in ${domains_variables_in_included_json_files[@]}; do
+            if [ "$domain_variable_in_filterlist" = "$domain_variable_in_json_file" ]; then
+                found=true
+                break
+            fi
+        done
+        if ! $found; then
+            last_error="Error: One of the filterlists:\n\n"
+            last_error+="$included_filterlists\n\n"
+            last_error+="included in the template $template_name contain a domain variable $domain_variable_in_filterlist "
+            last_error+="which wasn't found in any of the domains variables files included in that template:\n\n"
+            last_error+="$included_json_files"
+            return 1
+        fi
+    done
+check_if_domains_variables_are_identical_in_lists_and_jsons() {
+    if [ "$all_domains_variables_in_json_files" != "$all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists" ]; then
+        last_error="Error: the domain variables in domain-variables file and the filter list are not the same\n"
+        last_error+="Extra variables in domain-variables files:\n"
+        last_error+="$(jq -n --argjson all_domains_variables_in_json_files "$all_domains_variables_in_json_files" --argjson all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists "$all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists" '$all_domains_variables_in_json_files - $all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists')\n"
+        last_error+="Extra variables in filter lists:\n"
+        last_error+=$(jq -n --argjson all_domains_variables_in_json_files "$all_domains_variables_in_json_files" --argjson all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists "$all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists" '$all_domain_variables_matches_in_filterlists - $all_domains_variables_in_json_files')
+        return 1
+    fi
+main() {
+    get_unstaged_files
+    check_if_jq_is_installed
+    for template_name in *.txt; do
+        templates_names+=("$template_name")
+        # To avoid creating a subshell, the variable is passed as a reference to parse_template_data function
+        # That helps with the error handling and allows to use global variables
+        local file_data
+        # Parse data from the template
+        parse_template_data "$template_name" file_data
+        # Update the templates_content JSON with the data from the file
+        update_templates_content "$file_data"
+        update_unique_json_files "$template_name" "$file_data"
+        update_unique_includes "$template_name" "$file_data"
+    done
+    for domains_variables_path in ${unique_json_files[@]}; do
+        local staged_domains_variables_file
+        get_staged_version_of_a_file "$domains_variables_path" staged_domains_variables_file
+        check_if_correct_domains_variables_json_structure "$staged_domains_variables_file" "$domains_variables_path"
+        local domains_variables_names_incl_duplicates
+        get_domains_variables_names_incl_duplicates "$staged_domains_variables_file" domains_variables_names_incl_duplicates
+        check_if_correct_domains_variables "$domains_variables_path" "$domains_variables_names_incl_duplicates" "$staged_domains_variables_file"
+        check_if_duplicated_domains_variable_name_between_files "$domains_variables_path" "$domains_variables_names_incl_duplicates"
+        update_domains_variables_data "$domains_variables_names_incl_duplicates" "$domains_variables_path" "$staged_domains_variables_file"
+    done
+    for filterlist_path in ${unique_filterlists_to_include[@]}; do
+        local filterlist_content
+        get_staged_version_of_a_file "$filterlist_path" filterlist_content
+        check_for_similar_to_domain_variable  "$filterlist_content" "$filterlist_path"
+        local all_lines_with_domain_variables_in_filterlist
+        find_domain_variables_syntax_in_filterlist "$filterlist_content" "$filterlist_path" all_lines_with_domain_variables_in_filterlist
+        if [ -z "$all_lines_with_domain_variables_in_filterlist" ]; then
+            # In case of lack of matches, the value of all_lines_with_domain_variables_in_filterlist should have just
+            # a message to show.
+            local domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist='[]'
+        else
+            local domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist
+            process_filters "$all_lines_with_domain_variables_in_filterlist" domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist
+        fi
+        update_matches_and_variables "$domains_variables_collected_from_filterlist" "$filterlist_path"
+    done
+    local domains_variables_in_included_filterlists=()
+    for template_name in ${templates_names[@]}; do
+        extract_domains_variables_in_included_filterlists "$template_name" domains_variables_in_included_filterlists
+        local domains_variables_in_included_json_files
+        extract_domains_variables_in_included_json_files "$template_name" domains_variables_in_included_json_files
+        check_domain_variables_in_filterlists "$template_name" "$(echo ${domains_variables_in_included_filterlists[@]})" "$(echo ${domains_variables_in_included_json_files[@]})"
+    done
+    check_if_domains_variables_are_identical_in_lists_and_jsons
+check_unit_tests() {
+    local exit_status=0
+    ./pre-commit-src/tests/ '--no-verbose' || exit_status=1
+    function_exit_code=$?
+    if [ $exit_status -ne 1 ]; then
+        exit_status=$function_exit_code
+    fi
+    if [ $exit_status -ne 0 ]; then
+        last_error="Unit tests failed with exit code $exit_status"
+        last_error+="\nPlease fix the issues before continuing"
+        last_error+="To check the details run 'pre-commit-src/tests/'"
+        return $exit_status
+    else
+        last_error="Unit tests passed successfully"
+    fi
+check_pre_commit_files() {
+    local staged_files
+    get_staged_files staged_files
+    local pre_commit_path='pre-commit-src/pre-commit'
+    check_if_file_exists "$pre_commit_path"
+    local matched_pre_commit_in_unstaged=$(grep -x "$pre_commit_path" <<< "$unstaged_files" || echo '')
+    if [ -n "$matched_pre_commit_in_unstaged" ]; then
+        last_error="Unstaged changes detected in pre-commit file. Stage pre-commit changes before continuing."
+        return 1
+    fi
+    local pre_commit_script_path='pre-commit-src/'
+    check_if_file_exists "$pre_commit_script_path"
+    local matched_pre_commit_script_in_unstaged=$(grep -x "$pre_commit_script_path" <<< "$unstaged_files" || echo '')
+    if [ -n "$matched_pre_commit_script_in_unstaged" ]; then
+        last_error="Unstaged changes detected in file. Stage pre-commit-script changes before continuing."
+        return 1
+    fi
+    pre_commit_tests_path='pre-commit-src/tests/'
+    check_if_file_exists "$pre_commit_tests_path"
+    local matched_pre_commit_tests_in_unstaged=$(grep -x "$pre_commit_tests_path" <<< "$unstaged_files" || echo '')
+    if [ -n "$matched_pre_commit_tests_in_unstaged" ]; then
+        last_error="Unstaged changes detected in pre-commit-tests file. Stage pre-commit tests changes before continuing."
+        return 1
+    fi
+    # Only if something changed in pre commit or pre commit tests the unit tests should be run
+    if [ -z "$matched_pre_commit_in_unstaged" + "$matched_pre_commit_script_in_unstaged" "$matched_pre_commit_tests_in_unstaged" ]; then
+        check_unit_tests
+    fi
+# For testing purposes only if the script has no arguments or the argument is main the process should run
+# thanks to that the script can be tested without running the main function
+if [ -z "${1:-}" ]; then
+    echo 'Running pre-commit checks...'
+    main
+    check_pre_commit_files
+    echo "Pre-commit checks passed successfully. Double check if there were no error messages above this message before pushing"
+    unalias jq
+    unalias grep
+    unalias git
+    exit 0
+elif [ "$1" = "--load-only" ]; then
+    testing=true
+    echo "Script loaded successfully"
+    echo Wrong option provided "$@"
+    unalias jq
+    unalias grep
+    unalias git
+    exit 1